Houston, Texas — June 14, 2021 — NEARSHORE unveils today a new logo as part of the brand's ongoing evolution.
"NEARSHORE has grown and evolved since its launch in 2016, and it felt right to update our brand identity. Our new logo matches better who we are today and what we stand for. It also portrays our dynamic future ahead,"said Bob Miltenberger, NEARSHORE'S CEO.
Through many creativity sessions, the NEARSHORE logo was chosen because it captures the essence of what the brand does and the company's vision. It also helps communicatesNEARSHORE'S market positioning as the best and most reliable global maritime communications company.
Throughout the years, NEARSHORE has carefully crafted the best offshore and nearshore solutions. Today, NEARSHOREis a powerhouse of solutions, serving the Energy Industry, Shipping, Aquaculture, Tourism (Cruise and Private Yachting), and Fishing, among others. It proudly serves some of the most important clients in various maritime industries
NEARSHORE's new graphic element is a wave created by two connectivity icons with signals coming from two directions: satellite and land antennas, just like the connectivity clients get, whethernear shore or offshore.
The new logo also introduces blue gradient colors to portray the ocean's many shades and communicate that NEARSHORE keeps vessels, ships, passengers, and crew members connected throughout theirvoyage no matter where they are.
The wave also represents the ocean and how the company approaches business to clients, with flexibility and a unique capacity for tailor-making solutions.
Over the next few months, other efforts will be unfolding, aligning around this new graphic direction: on the website, in advertising, etc. Stay tuned!
About NearshoreNetworks (Nearshore)
NearshoreNetworks (Nearshore) is a Houston headquartered, global maritime communications company serving customers worldwide, providing Satellite & Cellular networks and hardwareand software solutions. NearshoreNetworks maintains a service team of over 80 Field Engineers strategically located in 60 countries. These resources and capabilities underpin a Service Level commitment of 99.5% networks uptimeguarantee.
For more information about NEARSHORE and our capabilities;
call +1 844 526 2627,email comms@nearshorenetworks.com or visit www.nearshorenetworks.com
Media Contact – Giselle Solis marketing@nearshorenetworks.com